
Build your brand online

The web today offers unique possibilities to reach the public and be present with your own brand.

Despite these possibilities, very often we find ourselves facing competition in the wrong ways, perhaps by lowering prices in order to grab a slice of the market.

This is definitely the wrong approach because in this way you will never be able to show the true value of your brand.

To be online today and act effectively, you must first understand the market in which you want to operate and the audience to reach.

Next, you have to create content for the audience that allows you to present yourself as the only viable alternative in their options.

My services can help you not only to understand which type of market and audience to reach with your brand, but also with which content it is possible to leave an impact on the purchasing decisions of your audience.


Market analysis

Discover market trends

Analyze target audience

Analyze audience online behavior

Competitor analysis

Define buyer personas

Develop communication strategies


Develop content strategy

Choose target audience and channels

Website audit

Content creation (blogs, social media, email, etc.)

SEO and keyword strategy



Define KPI and goals

Set up Google Analytics

Set up Google Tag Manager

Set up Google Search Console

Set up tracking, goals, and events

Data analysis and reporting