
Welcome to Digital Green!


My name is Giacomo. I’m a Digital Marketing Specialist with over 6 years of experience with a passion for Marketing, Tech, and Wellness.

I started Digital Green with the idea of being able to offer the very best Marketing Services to help Small and Medium Businesses and individuals to build their presence online and generate demand for their products and services.

If you are like me then you know that marketing can open to endless opportunities to reach your ideal audience online and offline.

If so, you are in the right place!

I am dedicated to:

  • Provide a great customer experience
  • Help brands generate demand online and reach more customers
  • Provide a professional work

When I’m not working, I enjoy going for long runs, training my body, learn more about the latest trends in the tech and wellness world.

If you need anything don’t hesitate to contact me!

All the best,

Giacomo Verde

Owner & Director

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